Sree Anjaneya College of Nursing has constituted an innovative curriculum. It is a response to an ever-changing world and is necessary to ensure that students are prepared for the future. The goal of the innovative curriculum is to improve student’s engagement, motivation, and achievement while also fostering collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Curricular activities are undertaken on the basis of Curriculum committee and Internal Quality Assurance Committee also existing in our college. The duration of the BSc Nursing course shall be four years, which is a credit and semester-based program, comprising 8 semesters including an internship. All academic plans are based on the curriculum, and students are provided clinical experience from affiliated hospitals as well as the parent hospital. Many activities are being run under the SNA, Union, and NSS programs. Various activities include cultural programs, sports, the observation of health days, field visits, and social service activities. Value added courses and Add on courses are being conducted in our institution. Students also participate in various research studies as part of their curriculum. They are encouraged to follow evidence-based best practices in patient care. An innovative curriculum plays vital role in nurturing student’s knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to progress to a professional nursing.