On completion of the four year BSc Nursing Programme the graduate Nurse will be able to:
- Apply knowledge from medical including alternative system, nursing, physical, Biological and behavioural science in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
- Demonstrate understanding of lifestyle and other factors, which effect health of Individual and groups.
- Providing nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with Individuals and groups.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills for making decisions in all situations order to Provide good quality care.
- Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
- Provide preventive, promotive and restorative health services in association with the National health policies and programmes.
- Practice according to the frame work of code of ethics, professional, conduct, and Acceptable standards within the legal boundaries.
- Communicate effectively with individuals, groups, and members of the health team in Order to promote effective interpersonal relationship and teamwork.
- Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in clinical, community Health settings and school of nursing.
- Partcipate effectively as a member of health team in health care delivery system.
- Demonstrate leadership and managerial skills in clinical/ community health setting.
- Conduct need based research studies in various setting and utilize the research Finding to improve the qualityof care.
- Demonstrate awareness and interest towards the advancement of self and Profession.
Our values
The core values which lead us at Sree Anjaneya College of Nursing are: Faith in God, Moral Uprightness, Integrity and Honesty Justice and service Social Responsibility.